New Perks + Items to be added + Things that should taken away

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by TheKingOfTurtlez, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hello Everyone, I am TheKingOfTurtlez. I was thinking and here are a few thing I think that should be added into the game of Skyblock.
    1. New Perks~ Some new perks that I would like to see added into the Skyblock community would be:

    A) An Extra inventory row, or an inventory the size of a double chest. This will make the inventory go from 2304 (64x36) to 3456 (64x54) That would mean you have 54 different slots in your inventory, instead of only 36. This perk would be accessed through myth keys, because of its helpfulness and usefulness in the game. Will come from Mythical keys as a legendary reward

    B) A new kit called /kit builder. This kit would include many different things such as building blocks and mining tools for people who like building. This perk would be accessed through ancient keys, since it isn't really that game breaking and only will help the few people who like building a lot. Ancient keys as a legendary reward.

    C) Another new kit called /kit pvp. This kit would include Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 armor, and a sharpness 4 Unbreaking 3 sword. This would come from mythical keys, since it is very useful for envoys and for people who like to pvp. Mythical Keys, legendary reward

    D) /rename. Self explanitory, bring back /rename, and reward the people who already had it before it was taken out, the perk back. /rename will be able to rename items (Tools and Armor only) with color chat. (Can be used by anyone, no rank required to use color chat in /rename) Mythical Keys Legendary Reward

    2. New items~ New items I would like to see added into the Skyblock community

    A) A item that places a small grinder (Ancient keys-Legendary) that will auto kill any type of mob and can hold up to 5 spawners. Also, a large grinder (Mythical keys-Legendary) that will auto kill any type of mob and can hold up to 15 spawners inside of it. These grinders will be build automatically upon placement, and will not take anything from your inventory except the item being used. These will help with people who are just starting, and aren't very good with building grinders.

    B) A small house builder. This item can be accessed through ancient keys and will place a 10x12 house that is 2 stories, and has crafting tables, double chests, furnaces and other things that will help with survival on skyblock. This will come from ancient keys, and will be a rare-legendary reward.

    3. Custom Enchants ~ Enchants from /ce that i would like to see added/taken off.

    A) Haste 1 and Haste 2- Apply to your armor (must be on full set off armor to apply) Would give the player a potion effect of haste 1 or 2 depending on what they have on their armor (Lasts for ever)

    B) Smelting: This would allow a pickaxe to automatically smelt ores when you mine them. So if you mine iron ore at /warp cobble, you will get an iron ingot instead of iron ore. (Applied to pickaxes)

    C) Water Breathing: Water breathing is custom enchant applied to helmets, that is very bad. Most people who play skyblock never go under the water, and therefore makes it useless, unless you do need to go underwater for some reason. *This is to take out water breathing*

    D) Point Luck: A Custom enchant, similar to Farmer 1 and 2 and Token Luck 1 and 2, that gives a 4% boost on points (Per armor piece) for Point luck 1 and a 8% boost for Point Luck 2. This would mean for a full set of armor with Point Luck 1, you would get a 16% boost, and for a full set of armor with Point Luck 2, you would get a 32% boost (The percentages I believe are the same as Token Luck and Farmer books)

    4. Miscellaneous Things ~ Miscellaneous things the community and I would like to see in the skyblock community

    A) Being able to spectate, and bet with people on who will win a duel. This feature could be nice to have as for it lets people watch what is happening, with out ever having to worry about losing all of your stuff (For spectating you will be in spectator mode). For betting, it will be a command called /bet, and will be able to be used by spectators watching the match, they will be able to bet on who will win, and they can bet any amount of money.

    B) A cool down, or sickness to Golden Apples or so called Gapples. Enchanted Golden Apples are very overpowered, and can help people win in fights against others, so i think when you eat a golden apple, you should have like a 2-3 minute cool down until you can eat another Golden apple. This would make pvp more fair, and less overpowering for the people who can have many stacks of gapples during pvp.

    C) Kit additions. We should add some precious blocks into kits such as hoppers, (1 for legend, 2 for immortal) and Maybe diamonds (9 for legend 18 for immortal). This would help people be able to craft more things, and save some people money.

    5. Boosters~ Different Boosters that should be added into skyblock. (Boosters would work the same as prision, typing /tip gives the person $10,000-$15,000 {depends on what staff says} in In-Game money and can be activated by typing /booster and clicking on the booster you want to activate (Boosters would help everyone on the server, not just the redeemer)

    A) Mob Spawn/Drop rate. This Booster would be for 60 Minutes, and can be bought in the store ( and would cause all mobs to spawn 1.5x faster, and drop 1.5x more. This booster would cost the same as a Market Sell booster for prison ($9.99 USD)

    B) Charity Time- Same as prison, but would give $10,000 In-Game money, to each player online for 60 minutes (Money would be given every 2-10 mins depending on what the staff team says)

    Thank you guys for reading, If you have any other suggestions, please leave a reply below!
    Thanks, TheKingOfTurtlez (Skyblock Realm 2 Player, please message me if you have any questions)
  2. EuphoriaBank

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I agree, but points should be removed, they only affect 2 islands on SB1, and they are useless to SB2, anyways good post
    Zeploin likes this.
  3. Zeploin

    Nov 27, 2019
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    I think that these ideas should be implemented in but the inventory one is a bit useless with the /chest command in the ancient keys
    The house and grinder things would be a really cool idea but would most likely be hard to implement
    The custom enchant ideas are awesome and the only thing i would say is to put the haste on the tools instead of the armor
    The Mob Spawn/Drop rate would be good if there was increased token rate added to the booster
    Cherdley and TheKingOfTurtlez like this.
  4. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Adding a token boost to this would kind of interfere with island upgrades, but yes this would be a cool booster, mob spawn+drops, and then a Token Rate booster, but sperated
    Zeploin likes this.
  5. Cherdley

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I like everything about this post, exept for section 2. I think these are unneeded and quite frankly, bring down the value of mythical keys. Also I think the Mob Grinders won't be practical to implement. Everything else is great though!
    Zeploin likes this.
  6. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    I said this in SuperFights post "I agree that they are hard to get, except removing them, will just make it way more easy for people to just buy spawners and place them, with out anything blocking their way, while farming for spawners, they should get some tokens, which would help with the upgrades, except most people like to sit on their bums and not do anything and think they can win that way, that is why points were added, and for now, I do not believe that they will be taken away"
    Zeploin likes this.
  7. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    These items will allow smaller islands to have grinders as for it is hard to build very good grinders when you dont have very many resources, these items could help, and if anything can be altered to help all people
    Zeploin likes this.
  8. Jazmiin

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Points shouldn't be removed, they should be way easier to get though. This was a problem with tokens last season, great idea, just horrible way to implement it into the game. Point Luck would be an amazing idea to resolve this ongoing problem.
    Zeploin likes this.
  9. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Very true
    Zeploin likes this.
  10. Cherdley

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I see your point, but they should be put in Vote Keys if anything ONLY. If you open an Ancient/Mythical key and a get an auto-build grinder, its a bit disappointing considering many people already have grinders. It would bring down the value. They should be put in vote keys, as a Legendary reward if the point is to help out new players. Almost all new players vote, and a very small chance at an item like that would be very beneficial to the vote system, not to the ancient keys. Ancient Key values are already low, and this would bring them down more. It should be moved to Vote Keys as a legendary item.
  11. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    I didn't think about this, good idea!
    Cherdley likes this.
  12. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    A) I definitely like this perk idea it gives an extra inventory row making it be very useful but this should be the most rare.
    B) I see this one as useless as blocks are not very expensive in skyblock making this a very useless perk unless it comes with a stack of emerald blocks and diamonds and gold. But it would obviously have a cool-down
    C) This perk is also very useful and a big over powered I suggest the armour is only p4 and the sword s3 fire aspect 1 as if it were maxed it would be too op, this should also have a cool-down it added presumably every 24 hours
    D) I find this perk useless as there are already rename scrolls in the game and adding this perk would be the removal of them or they would turn useless
    New items:
    A) I like the idea but it needs to be explained as it might be quite hard for the staff team to figure out how to make this and it wouldn’t fit into the skyblock economy at the moment as nothing is auto-built on mccentral
    B) pretty useless idea
    Custom enchants:
    A) Really like the idea of having haste I think this should be added immediately
    B) A nice idea and has also been coming up from lots of people meaning it is a popular choice.

    C) I do hate my life when it says in chat ‘you have purchased water breathing for 45 tokens’ and I agree this should be taken out of the game.
    D) I think this is also another good idea as it is quite rare to obtain points at the moment and some kind of higher percentage chance would be helpful
    Miscellaneous things:
    A) /spectate would be a good thing as it already exists in arenapvp
    B) I don’t like this idea as I myself gapple pvp and I find ur very fun so I think this shouldn’t exist
    C) I really don’t like the idea of bringing factions perks to skyblock
    I agree with you all round with the boosters.

    It seems you are taking ideas from other subservers and bringing them to skyblock which is good but I am sure the staff have thought about it before and will hopefully take on board what you have said.
  13. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    First off, I want to say that this is a very well designed thread. You obviously took a lot of time thinking about and writing this. Overall, I agree with most of things you listed, particularly the enchanted golden apple cooldown and the new perks. There are a few changes I would make to make things more realistic/better, all in my opinion. First off, I like the house building item. It could be very nice for players who aren't great builders, but it is not nearly good enough to come in an ancient key. I would put it as a legendary reward for vote keys. Secondly, I want to address the grinders. I can see where your coming from with this as some players would not want to build their own grinders, but I do not think an item that built a grinder would be too great. First of all, there is no way to limit how many spawners could go inside of it as players could just increase the size of it. Then you run into my biggest issue with this. Grinders are something that everyone builds and everyone's is unique. These grinder items would not link up too well to a base you already have going and they also won't have your style. Another thing I want to talk about is point luck. I could see it being added, but I believe that points were added to bring players together and cause teamwork. Point luck would decrease the need for teammate and effectively undo part of what they were there in the first place to do - bring players together. Also, I think an inventory extension perk would be impossible or nearly impossible to code. You can always sell your inventory when grinding, as it only takes a second. For the amount of time it would take to implement to the actual usefulness of it, I can't see it ever being implemented. Lastly, I think that water breathing is unnecessary as there is little water in skyblock and it is certainly not worth 45 tokens. All in all, this is an amazing post. Thanks for taking the time to read my opinion!
    mxbel likes this.
  14. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Thank you for your feed back, i appreciate you leaving your opinion and yes i have gotten some feed back about somethings need to be changed such as making them legendary in vote keys and stuff
    iSloth likes this.
  15. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Thanks for feedback, a really appreicate you reading this post!
  16. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Here are my opinions on the changes listed by Kingofturtles:

    New perks:
    1. I don't think this is necessary
    2. Building materials are relatively low cost once you start farming enough so there really isn't a need for a kit just for this.
    3. /kit pvp sounds like an interesting idea for this pvpers on skyblock but the enchants may need to be altered.
    4. /rename I feel should come back. I know quite a few players who payed for a rank to get this ability just to have it removed and replaced by scrolls which you can get in keys.

    New Items:
    1. I don't really see a need for auto grinders as you can ask most people and they would be able to build a grinder. Also most mobs are able to be killed already in various different ways.
    2. No need for a small house builder.

    Custom Enchants:
    1. Haste would be an interesting enchant that I would like to see added.
    2. Smelting sounds like a good idea but a good name would need to be chosen
    3. Water Breathing is definently useless just as in prison
    4. Point luck is a must for the mid-late game as upgrades use up so many points so quickly and currently they take hours to grind just for one upgrade.

    1. Spectating/betting on duels sounds like an interesting idea however if a hacker decides to duel then whoever bets on them would most likely win. Maybe with a few minor edits this could work.
    2. Cd for golden apples/gapples is a must. Although I don't pvp much people can just keep eating and never die if they have spare armour sets.
    3. A revamp of ranked kits would be nice.

    I know there is a lot of controversies around boosters however, I believe they should be added back in with the potential of introducing payouts which would change the whole dynamic of skyblock and hopefully give it a boost so that players don't quick only after like 2 months
  17. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    1) Not really necessary, we already have /ec -1
    2) Also pretty useless since building blocks aren't expensive -1
    3) I like this idea but I feel like p4 would be a bit too OP
    4) The rename perk should definitely come back! It is only a cosmetic perk so it shouldn't be limited by the rename scrolls +1

    1) Im kind of indifferent about this one, I see how this can be used but mob grinders aren't all that difficult to build
    2) Same problem as Perk#2, building blocks aren't expensive and you don't need a fully built house to play SB -1

    1) Haste would be really useful! +1
    2) Don't know if I'd use it but still a +1 for me
    3) Agreed, water breathing should be removed and replaced with something better. +1
    4) Point luck would help gameplay a lot since grinding points takes way too long +1

    1) /Spectate would be pretty interesting, but I feel like hackers would ruin /bet really quickly. +1
    2) This is a great suggestion, it is basically impossible to kill players that stack gapples. +1
    3) I agree that kits should be changed and I like the idea of adding hoppers in. +1

    Boosters: These 2 boosters were removed from SB a couple of seasons ago, but I'd like to see them back into SB! +1
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.

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