Appeals & Reports Evidence

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Invader, Feb 8, 2020.


Which option is the best to be implemented?

  1. Option 1: Allowing ALL evidence to be shared

  2. Option 2: Ask for consent in reports

  3. Option 3: Deny all reports with Usernames in them

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  1. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, all! I've decided to make this a public thread, as I am no longer staff and still want this shared and brought up. I've seen it once before and it seems like it has been happening again.

    Case 1: A player is banned for "Killaura" or "Anti-Knockback" and asks for evidence, however, appeal is rejected due to Reports Team Members not being allowed to share evidence.

    Now, I've thought of multiple solutions to this issue and want it brought up, if possible.

    1. You could just allow it. I know that this seems like the most obvious solution but it truly is. At this point, players may not even care enough if any evidence of a cheater is released to the cheater. Now this could be a solution but knowing with previous experience on the Reports Team, this will most likely not happen so lets move onto the next solution.

    2. You could ask the players for their consent in the report. Now, this does not require that much work, all you need to do is add the question/option when submitting a report saying "Are you fine with this evidence being shared?" or "Do you give your consent with the evidence attached to be shared in case the user appeals?". Simply if the user says yes, then you are good to go. Otherwise, you're not allowed to share evidence. Now, I know and I KNOW that while I was on Reports Team that we were allowed to share evidence with the permission from the report submitter, however, sometimes it took too long for a reply from the actual report submitter, especially when they take a hiatus from MCC. So, with this question being added to Reports, it will just save time and effort of Staff having to ask players for their consent of sharing evidence.

    3. Deny any reports with the reporters' username in it. This, by far, would be the worst option to chose but it's not my choice to make. Sometimes, the worst option may be the best option (I doubt it in this case). Now, it is uncommon to see the users' username in the video but the only way it is shown in videos is when it shows up in chat or on the side of the screen. This would also mean that players would need to edit their videos and/or staff would need to edit the videos so it doesn't show the players' name.

    If anyone has any more suggestions to this, then feel free to send in a comment. Please don't reply with "great thread" or some useless stuff, leave it up to the Administrators to make this decision. Unless you've been directly involved in a situation such as this, you can give your opinion and thoughts on this post.

    Appreciate your time y'all, thanks.
    - Fox
  2. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Hey Fox, I really like the thread you have just made. I have a couple pointers to counter this thread. Take this as constructive criticism and not as a bash on your thread.

    Currently, When players report hackers or rule breakers on the forums, there is a disclosure whether or not we want to give the evidence we have to the rule breaker if he/she decides to appeal. I am pretty sure this was implemented recently and was not announced to everyone, so if this is the case then I can see why most people don't know about it. Especially if people don't make reports.

    You can find this in the ScreenShot Here ->

    I am pretty sure the reason why the staff members disclosed the youtube videos of them hacking for the player itself. For example, I know that many times the players that have been banned on the server have sent me death threats in the comments and have targeted me in game as they know I was the one that reported them and got them banned. I do not have a ScreenShot of this as the comments have since been deleted. But I always allow the staff to use my evidence.

    This ideas this thread has mentioned has already been implemented when you report a player so I do not really see a use for this thread. If the user that is reporting the rule breaker says no that they can't use their proof then they would have to keep the users word and not share it. But it should have no difference in the rule breakers appeal. The evidence would show what it shows and it is up to the staff member that banned the rule breaker to accept or deny the appeal.

    I really hope you have a great rest of your day and a lovely weekend

    -ItsDavid <3
    MasterChheda likes this.
  3. SilentWhispers

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Fox;

    ItsDavld is correct, a new question was added a while back concerning disclosure of evidence. The reporter now has the option to give us consent to share the video.

    As it is already a thing;

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