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Well here we go again..... mcc staff at its finest

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ayewaddup, Feb 8, 2020.

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  1. ayewaddup

    Sep 17, 2019
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    So iv'e been false banned once again for KA on KitPvP well it seems nothing has changed since i was last false banned for KA i waited over 6 months i waited hours for staff and i was kept banned until i could apply for an appeal that was accepted about 6-10 days ago the main thing im going to say again just like the last time i was banned IM AUSTRALIAN I HAVE 300+ PING THERE WILL BE TIMES IT WILL LOOK LIKE YOUR CHEATING BUT GUYS WHAT YOU CAN SCREEN SHARE!

    Yes screen sharing something they lack of doing i have been screen shared once since iv'e been unban and i was clean had no trace of any kind of cheat that's honestly all i ask for you's to do JUST SCREEN SHARE!

    Like why go off a stupid video "assuming there is a video like last time that im not able to see because they apparently could not show me"

    Well last time was really hard to get any kind of voice/chat connection with a mcc staff member so don't have any hopes to get unbanned i guess sometimes everything cant be fair but i rely on the screen sharing system because i don't want to sound cocky but mcc players are not the best they are very uneducated on cheaters and what cheaters are and honestly just everything in general

    I hope a staff member can see this and actually see what i think about this because honestly if i knew i would be getting false banned every 6 months after donating to the server i never would have spent my money.

    The only staff member i have talked to on here that understands high ping issues on mcc is UglyKidSteve i was also screen shared by him the day before i was false banned last time for KA and he told me i look like im cheating and obviously he saw my 300+ ping and everyone knows it can literally look like KA and thats the only thing i understand about these staff members false banning players with high ping because they are not experienced on the ping.


  2. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello yes but if staff were to screen share every single member on the server that is suspected to be hacking the hacker issue would be much larger. In fact right now most staff are aware of what hackers look like. Honestly what you can do is contact a admin if the current staff if you think your appeal was denied falsly. I think the best admin not best admin overall but to deal with this type of situation is unadvised you can dm him via discord or possibly forums. If you weren't hacking I hope the best for you and I hope you get unbanned if you were not hacking.
    ayewaddup and iiSean like this.
  3. ayewaddup

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Update: i have found the video on youtube and im laughing its what i thought it was i was called out for hacking on kitpvp because i kept crapping and "hitting" people but i guess thorns 2 is non existent thing is honestly funny to me now and if i don't get unbanned i have no hope.
  4. ayewaddup

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I get what you are saying but the amount of times i have been false banned for "cheating" on here is kinda bad i was only just unbanned after waiting 6-7 months to appeal and trust me if they knew what most hackers looked like i would still be playing right now i have seen the video i was banned for and it was me eating a crapple while jumping and spinning and my thorns 2 is hitting the player the video is so zoomed in you cant even see his health i don't know why staff can go off such a shit video if i was the staff member i would get more then a video of thorns 2 and me eating a crapple........
  5. ayewaddup

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Read recent reply before watching.
    Also u can see me do the same thing when i get attacked by an actual hacker that probably isnt banned lol.
    #5 ayewaddup, Feb 8, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2020
  6. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    After reading your posts & comments, and seeing the video attached, I can see why staff believes you do have/had client modifications. While you, on your word, may not be hacking & simply having high ping, it is never okay to resort to racism and/or offensive generalizations. My greatest condolences if you were in fact unfairly banned, but this comment isn't helping your case.
  7. ayewaddup

    Sep 17, 2019
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    talked to the staff in discord one of them said it didnt look like i was cheating but the one who banned me said it did so im staying banned because his brain does not work the amount of times people are getting false banned by these staff members who do not know anything.
  8. BoomerdeBeast

    Jul 30, 2019
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    @ayewaddup Dude I am all for you getting unbanned, I was once banned for holding left click on a block and the Mod thought I was kill auraing
  9. ayewaddup

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Honestly the staff are not very smart this is the 2nd time i have been false banned and its not just me alot of people are getting false banned because of these staff members
  10. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Instead of creating a thread about staff members not doing their job, you could have created an appeal, where the video could be looked at again by the reports team. Creating a thread and trashing staff members will not get you anywhere. If you'd like to report a staff member, feel free to do so; if you would like to appeal, feel free to do so as well.

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